Sunday, July 18, 2010

11 months

today wyatt would be 11 months old. so hard to believe. i cannot even begin to imagine what he would look like at this stage. when i think of him, he remains a tiny baby. not a little one who is sitting up, learning to walk, and doing all of the things he should be doing. i am sure he would look just like his dad...maybe because i heard that a lot in the hospital. while time is not healing our pain we are continuously finding ways to live with it and occasionally around it. i pray today that our Father in Heaven is doing all of the things with wyatt that i so long to do. i find comfort in knowing that while wyatt is not physically here on earth with us, he is taken care of.

You, my God, are the Rock.
Your works are perfect, and all Your ways are just.
You are a faithful God who does no wrong.
You are upright and just.
Deut. 32:4


  1. Jessica,
    I just wanted to let you and Ryan know that I pray for you often. Wyatt will never be forgotten!
    Michelle Cearley

  2. Thinking of Wyatt today. Sweet sweet firstborn boy!

  3. thinking of you all today!

    Julie McKinney Scarborough

  4. Praying for you angel! You are so strong and faithful! I am so proud of you!

  5. Happy 11 months sweet Wyatt!! You have touched so many people and continue to each day. You are such a blessing!!

    Sis and Ryan,
    I love you both tons!! You both are truly amazing and I am so thankful for you and for Wyatt. I know he is smiling down on you with such pride!!! Love you guys and hope you find peace and joy in all the little things around you this week.
    Love, sis

  6. Continuing to pray for you all! Happy 11 month to Wyatt. I am sure he is smiling down on you today!

  7. Such beautiful words!
